Ing. Andrea Carpi

BioEngineering & Innovation

About me Contact me

About me

I am a Biomedical Engineer with a passion for technology and innovation

With a strong classical background in Latin, Ancient Greek, and Philosophy, I bring a unique perspective to the world of technology and innovation. I thrive on challenges and have been passionate about coding since the age of 14. My career is dedicated to innovating and creating value for my clients in both the biomedical and technological fields.

Master in Biomedical Engineering
(110/110 with honours)
Politecnico di Milano
Bachelor in Biomedical Engineering
(110/110 with honours)
Politecnico di Milano
Classical high school diploma
Liceo Classico G.D.Romagnosi
I proudly worked for
What can I do for you?

IT consulting

I will help your business growing up by implementing the latest technologies on your products.

Case study: WeAreStudents

End-to-End Projects

I can develop your ideas and make them real.

Case study: AirHive

Custom Websites

Personal websites, business cases, landing pages, AdSense Campaign and SEO Optimization.

Case study: Ottica Medioli
To create the best projects, you need the best tools.
Web development (Front-End, Back-End, and Full-Stack)
Mobile Apps development
Analytics, SEO and Marketing Campaigns
Data analysis and Machine Learning
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